Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Eternal Eye Candy for the Spotless Mind Part 4

Handsome is what handsome does. In your case though, I am prepared to make an exception. While I've come to totally abhor the way you think, I still can't get you out of my head.Voulez vous couch� .....hell no, bronziez avec moi?Say, this sleeping with the enemy routine might actually, do us both a world of good.

Eternal Eye Candy for the Spotless Mind Part 3

They come even better as they age. Don't mean to take the mickey out of the lick, err....Mick but seriously, he flips me like no one else does.Coming down to the voulez vous question of the day: here's sending a voulez vous shout out to the one & only stud for all seasons - Voulez vous l�chiez moi?Merci d'avance!

Eternal Eye Candy for the Spotless Mind Part 2

Voulez vous.........drop it! I am not thinking what you're thinking.Voulez vous buviez avec moi?